Der kleine Ritter Trenk und der große Gefährliche (Trenk the Little Knight and the Great Big Dangerous Dragon)

The second book in the Trenk series about the dragon-slaying conqueror of the world: Kirsten Boie’s bold little knight!
Trenk is in trouble, if only he had brought back some genuine dragon’s teeth to prove the beast was dead – of course, he didn’t want anyone to know that the dragon in question was actually a friendly mother dragon and that his dragon-slaying evidence is just the young dragons’ milk teeth.
But now Trenk has been found out and knights from all over want to hunt down the dangerous dragon. Trenk and Thekla soon set out to warn the mother dragon. But then Trenk is lured into a cunning trap by Werthold the Nasty.
Cover and colour illustrations by Barbara Scholz.
Age: 6+
Other titles in the Trenk series:
Der kleine Ritter Trenk Und Der Turmbau Zu Babel (Trenk The Little Knight and The Tower of Babel), 2013
Der kleine Ritter Trenk und Der Ganz Gemeine Zahnwurm (Trenk the Little Knight and the Very Nasty Toothworm), 2013
Der kleine Ritter Trenk und Fast Das Ganze Leben Im Mittelalter, (Trenk the Little Knight and Almost Everything About Life in the Middle Ages), 2012
Der kleine Ritter Trenk und das Schwein der Weisen (Trenk the Little Knight and the Wise Men’s Pig), 2012
Der kleine Ritter Trenk (Trenk the Little Knight), 2006