King Kong series

Colour illustrations by Silke Brix
King-Kong is Jan Arne’s guinea pig. Jan Arne is not really allowed to have a pet, so he has to keep King-Kong a secret to begin with. But then he manages to persuade his parents that King-Kong is a wonderful guinea pig, cuddly and soft – and intrepid when confronted with burglars. Jan Arne still has to find out how it is with guinea pigs when the question of love comes up as there really isn’t enough room in the flat for more than one animal.
Age: 7+
Titles in the King Kong series:
King-Kong, das Weihnachtsschwein (King-Kong, the Christmas Guinea Pig) Sept 2011
King-Kong, das Glücksschwein (King-Kong, Lucky Guinea Pig), 2010
King-Kong – Allerhand und Mehr (King-Kong - All Sorts and More), 2004
King-Kong, das Krimischwein (King-Kong, Detective Guinea Pig), 1998
King-Kong, das Krimischwein (King-Kong, Detective Guinea Pig), 1998
King-Kong, das Krimischwein (King-Kong, Detective Guinea Pig), 1998
King-Kong, das Liebesschwein (King-Kong, Love Guinea Pig), 1993
King-Kong, das Zirkusschwein (King-Kong, Circus Guinea Pig), 1992
King-Kong, das Geheimschwein (King-Kong, Secret Guinea Pig), 1989
King-Kong, das Reiseschwein (King-Kong, Travel Guinea Pig) 1989