
Zurück in Sommerby (Back in Sommerby)

Zurück in Sommerby (Back in Sommerby) Kirsten Boie
Pub date 13th July 2020
Original publisher Oetinger

This is another wonderful novel about the three grandchildren and their grandmother by Kirsten Boie. Warm, funny, contemporary – you really wish you could be friends with all of them!

Autumn in Sommerby!

Mikkel, Mats and Martha had the most wonderful time there in the summer, but will it be just as magical when the water is cold and the wind blows in over the Baltic Sea? Mikkel and Mats are sure of it, and Martha also can’t wait to be there again. Especially since she would like to see Enes again, the boy who rescued her when they nearly capsized during a thunderstorm.

In the beginning everything seems to be just same old wonderful Sommerby again and they enjoy the freedom of this place and the easy company of their grandmother. Unfortunately, the Property Developer who was harassing them in the summer seems to have proof that the house doesn’t not belong to Inge alone and that she has to sell.  And as if that wouldn’t be difficult enough, Enes isn’t very responsive and seems to have a girlfriend. Martha tries to deal with her emotions whilst also thinking of a possible solution to the problem of loosing the house. Her little brothers are not really a great help with all of this. At least Enes’ suspected girlfriend turns out to be only a cousin.

All is well in the end, when it turns out that the documents were fake and that Sommerby is safe.

Other books by this author


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