The Marathon Chef

This cookbook is for anyone interested in eating well and getting fit – whether by intermittently working out at the gym, running for fun or training for sporting fixtures or a marathon.
The recipes were developed by Michel Roux Jr as he started running, initially as a casual jogger ten years ago and now as a veteran of eight marathons.
Michel developed the programme by trial and error, based on how his body felt and reacted to what he ate. Certain foods made him feel good and made less effort of all the training involved in preparing for a marathon.
While training, he largely avoids red meat and animal fats, eats lots of fruit and vegetables, plenty of bread, some chocolate and a reasonable quantity of wine. These are the parameters for the recipes in this book which are based on seasonal ingredients, full of taste and at top nutritional value, and best prepared as simply as possible.
Michel advises on what to eat when. He suggests a menu for the week leading up to an event, and what to eat the night before and on the day.
There’s also a list of marathons throughout the world to aspire to.