Reflections in a Golden Eye

Pub date 31st January 1941
Original publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (US)
Publisher (UK) Penguin
International publishers Lindhardt & Ringhof (Denmark), Editions Stock (France), Diogenes (Germany), Dioptra (Greece), Keter (Israel), Einaudi (Italy), L’Altra Editorial (Spain – Catalan), Kultur Yayinlari (Turkey)
McCullers’ second novel, Reflections in a Golden Eye, is set on a Southern army base in the 1930s, Reflections tells the story of Captain Penderton, a bisexual whose life is upset by the arrival of Major Langdon, a charming womanizer who has an affair with Penderton’s tempestuous and flirtatious wife, Leonora.