
Clock Without Hands

Clock Without Hands Carson McCullers (Estate)
Pub date 18th September 1961
Original publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (US)
Publisher (UK) Penguin
International publishers Editions Stock (France), Diogenes (Germany), Dioptra (Greece), Athenaeum (The Netherlands), Seix Barral (Spain), L’altra Editorial (Spain – Catalan), Kultur Yayinlari (Turkey)



In this thoughtful and moving novel, four men find themselves inextricably bound together by their past histories. The aged Judge Clane dreams of resurrecting the confederacy, while his grandson, Jester, is involuntarily drawn to Sherman, a volatile black orphan who feels the sharp sting of racial injustice, especially when he finds out the truth about his parentage. Through the eyes of these individuals Carson McCullers explores the roots of racial prejudice and the dual moralities of the town’s leading whites.


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