Frankreich muss man lieben, um es zu verstehen (To Understand France, You Have to Love it First)
The election of Emmanuel Macron has raised many hopes. The new president of France has already embraced the many challenges with determination: the declining economy and social tensions, the political scandals of the past years and the renewal of the political landscape. Macron has announced a Revolution with which he wants to transform and renew not only France but also Europe.
The French themselves call their state a republican monarchy and the whole world admires France not only for their elegance and style but also for their cuisine and culture.
As an expert on France and a former TV foreign correspondent in Paris, Ulrich Wickert paints a personal and thoughtful portrait of France. He went to school in Paris, knows the history of the country and in his job as a journalist, has spoken to many relevant people personally. Wickert’s latest work is an examination of a country in flux and offers the reader many new insights into French idiosyncrasies, its changing society and the revolution proclaimed by Emmanuel Macron.
Frankreich muss man lieben, um es zu verstehen is a book which will help readers to understand France, with all its wonderful and problematic peculiarities.