
They Were Found Wanting

They Were Found Wanting Miklós Bánffy (Estate, in conjunction with Arcadia Books)
Pub date 1937
Publisher (UK) Arcadia
Publisher (US) Everyman Library
International publishers ERC Media (China), Editions Phébus (France), Paul Zsolnay (Germany), Einaudi (Italy), Atlas Contact (The Netherlands), Nemira (Romania), Libros del Asteroide (Spain), Ye Ren Publishing (Taiwan), Aylak Adam Yayinlari (Turkey)  


Book 2 in the Transylvanian Trilogy

In the sequel to They Were Counted Balint Abady is forced to part from the beautiful and unhappily married Adrienne Uzdy. Gyeroffy is rapidly heading for self-destruction through drink and his own fecklessness. The politicians, quarrelling among themselves and stubbornly ignoring their countrymen’s real needs, are still    pursuing their vendetta with the Habsburg rule from Vienna. Set in picturesque Translvania, Banffy paints a rich and fascinating portrait of the aristocratic world oblivious to its impending demise.


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