Veronica Cossanteli
Once upon a time, Veronica dreamt of being a palaeontologist. When it dawned on her that palaeontology had more to do with being good at science than with keeping imaginary pet dinosaurs, she changed her mind and reverted to her other ambition: being a writer.
Sent to boarding school at eleven, she was miserably homesick and writing became a form of escape. The tragic tale of a cave boy and his woolly rhinoceros brought her first rejection slip at the age of thirteen.
Veronica has worked in a boarding kennel, a hotel, a very expensive chocolate shop and a junior school. She spent years on an epic novel about the Trojan War before realising that she was never going to be grown-up enough to write for adults. After doing a course at City Lit, she joined SCWBI and was lucky enough to have an extract selected for the 2012 Undiscovered Voices Anthology. She lives in Southampton with her son, three cats and numerous reptiles.