Kirsten Boie's HEUL DOCH NICHT a SPIEGEL bestseller

21st January, 2022
Kirsten Boie’s new novel Heul doch nicht, du lebst ja noch (Don’t Cry, You’re Still Alive) has entered the SPIEGEL Adult Bestseller List at No. 11. Meanwhile, Boie’s Für immer Sommerby (Sommerby Forever) remains at No. 7 of the SPIEGEL Young Adult Bestseller List.
Published on January 8th in Germany by Oetinger, Heul doch nicht tells the story of a group of young people living among the rubble of a destroyed Hamburg in June 1945, just after the end of the Second World War.
“Don’t Cry is a dense, empathic novel that makes a strong statement but always treats its characters with dignity. The author’s clear, simple language draws the reader in […] and renders vividly a time in history that still affects us today.” – NDR