
The second volume of the Reckless series, set on the other side of the Mirror, provides the story of Jacob desperately trying to save his own skin – literally. With his brother, Will, safely back home, Jacob is now caught up in a race against time to prevent the black moth on his chest, now growing ever more angry, from taking his life. Eventual death can be prevented only by finding the antidote. His determination to find this, as well as an all-powerful crossbow hidden in a heavily guarded tomb, are matched by that of his arch-enemy, Nerron, who uses every trick possible to prevent Jacob from getting there first. With his beloved Fox at his side, risking her own life in the process, Jacob enjoins Valiant to help him on his quest. In a land of thumblings, trolls, dragons, sirens, elves, dwarves, crumbling castles and deep-shaft mines, the race becomes as frenzied as it does dangerous, until it reaches an unexpected resolution.