Sophie Draper

With an MA in Medieval History from St Andrews University, Sophie qualified as a chartered accountant and pursued a career in corporate finance. She worked throughout Europe, the Far East and the US, before settling in rural Derbyshire to raise a family. Once her youngest was at school, she then trained as an oral storyteller. As a performer, she was nominated for two awards at the Buxton Festival Fringe (New Writing, Spoken Word), and in 2013 the British Awards for Storytelling Excellence (as Outstanding Female Storyteller). In 2016, she began writing her first novel, Cuckoo. By 2017, she’d won the Bath Novel Award, and the York Festival of Writing Friday Night Live Award. Cuckoo was published in 2018, followed by Magpie in 2019. After a family loss, Sophie took a break, but is now writing and performing again. She lives with her family overlooking a valley inhabited by wild flowers, screeching buzzards and the history and folklore that often inspires her stories.
Follow Sophie on:
Twitter: @sophiedraper9
Facebook: Sophie Draper Writer & Storyteller
Instagram @sophiedraperwriter
Websites: (writing) (storytelling)