Sheila de Liz

Sheila de Liz

Sheila de Liz is probably the best-known gynaecologist in Germany. Her book “Unverschämt – Alles über den fabelhaften weiblichen Körper” (Rowohlt) was in the top ten of the Spiegel bestseller list for 14 weeks. Sheila de Liz appeals to women of all generations and in the youth magazine Mädchen, she is represented with her own column in every issue. Her YouTube channel and Instagram account are also clicked thousands of times. Her second book about menopause WOMAN ON FIRE has been on the Spiegel Bestseller List among the top five for 204 weeks, and her third book about puberty GIRL ON FIRE have already been published by Rowohlt Verlag and continue to be bestsellers in Germany.

Find her on Instagram @drsheiladeliz or visist her website Sheila de Liz (