Roland Walters

Roland Walters is a writer/director who lives in London. He read English at Oxford University and won a BAFTA Rocliffe New Writing Award. He loves historical stories and his most recent projects include a feature film about 17th Century scientist, Johannes Kepler, and his mother’s witchcraft trial produced by Andy Paterson (The Girl with a Pearl Earring) and directed by Michael Hoffman (The Last Station, Soap Dish). He is currently writing several TV series and film scripts. These include a thriller set in 1st Century Jerusalem about Saint Paul for Oscar nominated producer, Tanya Seghatchian (The Crown, Harry Potter, Cold War); a thriller about officer cadets set at Sandhurst Military Academy for Playground Entertainment (Wolf Hall, The Spanish Princess); and a feature biopic of the composer, Dmitri Shostakovich for Golden Globe nominated director, Alexey Uchitel and the Moscow studio, Rock Film. His first game, Unknown Number – a climate change thriller played via a series of interactive phone calls – was released in 2021 by Godolphin Games.
Roland is represented by Charlotte Merritt.