Joris Luyendijk

Joris Luyendijk was born in 1971 in Amsterdam. He is a journalist and the author of Het Zijn Net Mensen (UK: Hello Everybody, US: People Like Us, Australia: Fit to Print’), about his experiences as a news correspondent in the Middle East. The book sold over 250,000 copies in the Netherlands alone, and has been published in sixteen countries.
In 2011 Joris moved to London to start an experimental banking blog for The Guardian – ‘The Joris Luyendijk Banking Blog’ – to look at the world of finance from an anthropological perspective. This inspired him to write his book, Dit Kan Niet Waar Zijn (Swimming With Sharks: My Alarming Journey Into The World of The Bankers), which was first published in 2015 and has sold in 18 languages.
Photo credit © Merlijn Doomernik