Ferzan Özpetek

Ferzan Özpetek

Ferzan Ozpetek, director and scriptwriter, was born in Istanbul but lives in Rome since 1976. In 1997 he makes his film debut with Il bagno turco (Hamam), followed by Harem Suaré, Le fate ignoranti, La finestra di fronte, Cuore sacro, Saturno contro, Un giorno perfetto, Mine vaganti (of which he signed the theatrical direction in 2020), Magnifica presenza, Allacciate le cinture, Rosso Istanbul, Napoli velata, La Dea Fortuna, Nuovo Olimpo. He also directed Aida, Traviata and Madame Butterfly. He has been awarded with the most important prizes and in 2008 New York’s MoMA has dedicated a retrospective of his works. For Mondadori he has published Rosso Istanbul (2013), Sei la mia vita (2015), Come un respiro (2020) and Cuore Nascosto (2024).


Photo credit: © Stefania Castellato