Andrew J King

Andrew J King comes from a family background that has always had equal respect for both thinking and making. He obtained a BA in English Literature and Fine Art at Exeter University before working for ten years as a professional designer. After gaining an MA in Visual Culture at Bath Spa University, he began a second career helping art and design students to rediscover writing as a tool of creative thought and expression. A lifelong interest in aspects of Japanese culture led to an extended stay in 2011 in the aftermath of the tsunami, assisting and observing participants in spectacular Shinto rituals of horseback archery. His debut novel The Arrow Garden is one of several pieces of writing to develop out of these experiences, and was long-listed in three competitions before winning the 2020 Bath Novel Award. Andrew lives in Bath, where he now writes full-time.
Image by Morag MacDonald
Follow Andrew on Twitter @AndrewJKing5