Alessandro D'Avenia
Alessandro D’Avenia, holds a PhD in Classical Literature, and teaches Ancient Greek, Latin and Literature at a high school in Milan. His debut novel, Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue (White as Milk, Red as Blood), published by Mondadori in 2010, was translated into more than twenty languages and sold more than one million copies in Italy. A film version was released in 2012. His book, L’arte di essere fragili (The Art of Being Fragile), published by Mondadori in 2016, was number one across all genres in Italy for more than five months and has since sold more than 700,000 copies. Ogni storia e’ una storia d’amore (Every Story Is A Love Story), published in October 2017, and his novel L ’Appello (The Register), were published by Mondadori and were also number one in the charts. The three books became bestselling theatre shows directed by Gabriele Vacis. His latest book Resisti, cuore (Hold on heart) was published by Mondadori in October 2023. His seven books combined have sold over 3.5 million copies in Italy alone.