Adrian Houston

A photographer known for his warm, atmospheric images that fire the imagination, Adrian’s work has been exhibited both at The National Gallery and The Royal Academy of Arts. His exceptional eye for detail has earned him a number of high profile portrait commissions, among them Luciano Pavarotti, the Dalai Lama, and Jim Carey.
Recent books include an architectural history of the London Olympic Stadium commissioned by Atkins (the Games’ official engineering and design provider) as well as a coffee table publication on behalf of leading interior designers including Anouska Hempel.
Adrian’s passion is conservation. His work has seen him travel to some of the world’s most unexplored and inhospitable terrains, with his powerful photographs subsequently gracing everything from advertising campaigns to magazine covers.
His first book, A Portrait of the Tree, was published in the UK by Quercus imprint Greenfinch. His book of photographs of trees and woodlands to commemorate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, The Queen’s Green Canopy, is published by Ebury.
Adrian is represented by Charlotte Merritt.